Hill Energy Services LLC


solutions to fit your specific requirements

Because no two firms have exactly the same needs, Hill Energy Services tailors each solution to the clients’ specific requirements. We work closely with you and your staff.

Our strategies may include the following

Strategic Energy Planning — “Be Prepared”

  • Developing corporate Energy and/or Sustainability plans to complement other cost-containment, environmental and employee awareness goals
  • Analyzing the potential impacts of energy markets and regulatory change
  • Supporting ENERGY STAR program efforts.
  • Documenting and supporting greenhouse gas reduction and climate change initiatives

Controlling Energy Usage — “Use it Smarter”

  • Performing energy audits and facility reviews
  • Benchmarking energy usage data and using it as a means to drive change
  • Computer modeling of building designs for energy performance
  • Developing options to improve the energy and environmental performance of construction projects, renovations and upgrades
  • Evaluating renewable energy options
  • Optimizing the use of utility rebate and incentive programs

Energy Supply Options — “Buy it Better”

  • Analyzing electricity and natural gas supply options
  • Procuring electricity, natural gas, fuel oil and propane
  • Market watch and analysis services
  • Developing fuel & energy procurement strategies

Hill Energy Services LLC


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Climate Change Goals
Energy Management
Capital Planning
Cost Control 

Utility Bill
and Rate

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